Dorwings and Pixchurs

We had dinner in Burgoo, Rockwell. Cute things come with good food :D
"Lovely, ain't I?" by Oyen, Mariel, Migs

Scared Bunny by Mariel

Sleeping Bunny by Mariel, and
"RAAAAWR" by Oyen

Purple Creature by Oyen

Kiss-Me Bear by Mariel

Chickie by Oyen

Master Kung Fu Kid by Oyen

We were having so much fun with our dorwings that we all craved for a good dessert. And we all know that Burgoo CAN serve good dessert. That's why we shared their humongous Raspberry Cheesecake


Raspberry Cheesecake, After

This reminded me of the steak dinner we had a week ago. I took a picture (I like making other people envious of what I ate).

Fish-Eyed Hungry Steak Monster

Happy Steaky

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