Downgrade from SQL 2008 to SQL 2000

I was given the task to downgrade a SQL 2008 to SQL 2000. I had to do it as soon as possible (= now) and I didn't have SQL 2000 in my machine.

Detaching the database from SQL 2008 and attaching to SQL 2000 doesn't work - they tried that already. Export/Import doesn't work also - so I tried my luck on using the simplest way to do the job:


In SQL Server 2008 Management Studio.
Databases -> MyDatabase, right click to Tasks -> Generate Scripts.

In the Script Wizard that pops up.
1. Select the database (MyDatabase/AdventureWorks)
the Check Script all objects in the selected Database.
2. Click Next.
IMPORTANT : Choose SQL 2000 in Script for Server Version

Toggle the following from False to True:
Script Database Create
Script Data
Script Indexes
Script Triggers
3. Click Next.
4. Click Finish.

Of course if you have a humongous database then the scripting the data would mean that you'd have a huge resulting .sql file. You may opt to not script the data alongside the Database itself for convenience, but if you don't have a big database then this is good enough - and pretty convenient.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

all right but when you need to get a mdf -2005 compatible- file without installing sql server 2005, how do you do ?