SQL Server Analysis Services Deployment Error

I was following the MSDN Tutorial on SQL Server Analysis until I got stuck in the Deployment lesson. The error is mostly about being unable to connect to the database or having insufficient permissions.

I've tried everything and finally decided to start from scratch. Then the next attempt succeeded. I searched through whatever difference my first project had with the second and here is what I found out:
  • Right click your Project and click Properties.
  • Server: localhost
  • Database: (e.g., Sample SSAS (attempt 3) should be Sample SSAS attemp 3)
This is where my first Project crashed. I assumed that the server is supposedly the Server in my SQL Server Management Studio (which is MSSQL) and then the Database is naturally the database that I'm designing my Analysis Services Project for, which is AdventureWorksDW. Apparently, I am very much mistaken.

I shall find out more regarding this.

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